March 16, 2025

Lent is a period of 40 days that calls to mind the 40 days of rain that produced the flood.  Washed away was the earlier life and what came about was a new creation.  Our Lenten observance is INTENDED to be a period of growth, of insight, and greater self-awareness.  We become a new creation owing to our effort to confront and overcome the demons we encounter in the desert of our life (today’s Gospel story).  Lent is our Exodus from the shackles of sin’s slavery and journey to a “Promised Land” of new life freed from messed-up behavior we’ve been part of.

All sorts of people refer metaphorically to life as a journey—and so it is with Lent.  But in this case, it is a journey we travel with Jesus.  As our companion during Lent, he points out to us the “sights” along the way.  He calls our attention to the beautiful mountains, waterfalls, lakes, puppies, porcupines, and peacocks that make us smile with appreciation.  We thus rejoice in the wonders given us throughout life.

However, he also points out the swamps, deserts, and quicksand that we’ve sometimes not avoided.  Our sacred companion very much wants each of us to have as wonderful a life experience as we possibly can—but God knows that we have been, and still are, quite vulnerable to the mirages that lead us astray.  The Lenten season tries to put us in touch with our inability, at times, to be a good traveling companion.

One way the Gospels help us follow good maps for our journey is to point out what theology texts refer to as the “capital sins and “cardinal virtues.”  These behaviors contrast with one another in describing how we behave.  Each behavior (that is, each “sin” or “virtue”) is on a spectrum, or scale (of 1 to 10—with 10 being the “virtue” Jesus calls us to embody).  Lent calls us to evaluate where we fall on these scales:

Capital Sin Cardinal Virtue
Lust Chastity 
Gluttony Moderation/
Greed Generosity
Sloth Zeal
Wrath Meekness
Envy Charity
Pride Humility

Sadly, developed, Western, industrial-cultures tend to encourage actions that foster capital sin behaviors.  For example, instead of humility, we’re told that we should acquire things that will give us “swag” power.  “Gluttony” refers to more than eating whatever we can get our hands on.  It can follow the commercial that encouraged viewers: “When you’ve got it, flaunt it.”  And instead of being humble, we try to impress people with what we have or what we’ve accomplished.  The pro basketball player, Nikola Yokich has set records never before attained by stars of the game—but he is known among the players as the most humble guy you’d ever meet. 

Billionaires who currently control Washington can afford whatever they want, but their greed motivates them as much as a blue-collar worker is motivated simply to put food on the table.  When they have all that money can buy, the super-wealthy become greedy for power.  Not surprising is that less well-off people give proportionately more to charities than the wealthy.  In short, when looking at sinful or virtuous behavior, realize that Jesus is at one end of the scale and Madison Avenue at the other end.  We Christians are told that fullness of life and happiness can only come from imitating where Jesus would fall on that scale.  Unfortunately, as stated, we are vulnerable to society’s seductions in our quest to “get ahead” in life.

Lent is a period in which we join Alcoholics Anonymous in living one of their steps toward sobriety.   We “make a fearless inventory” of our behaviors and acknowledge our need for God to help us overcome those behaviors that have brought us, and others, down.  Some American Indian groups made a “vision quest.”  It parallels what Lent tries to accomplish with us—acquire a “vision” that will guide us on our life-path.  We can grow by reflecting on where we have been helpful or harmful toward others.  Have we committed sins of “commission” (what we’ve done) or sins of “omission” (what we’ve NOT done but SHOULD have)?

An Indian would seclude themselves on a hill, for example, and remain there for days at a time.  The person was to observe all that occurred during this time away.  They would watch trees sway in the breeze (a sure sign that the trees were looking up to God and praying).  The person would look at all of creation that lay before them—eagles floating in the wind, rabbits hopping in the meadow, ants running busily from one place to another, etc.  Each gift of God might have some revelation to provide the quester (just as St. Ignatius said that we can “find God in all things”).

Where do you fall on the spectrum and what are you going to do about it?