Sacraments of Service


This sacrament is normally celebrated in the “parish church” in Hemlock.  However, if the bridal party has a previous connection to one of our other churches, then the sacrament may be able to be celebrated there.  Call the parish office for clarification and guidelines for the use of the church buildings. (989) 642-5606.
Marriage is a calling from God (vocation) and a sacrament.  It requires the presence of a priest or deacon, a bride and a groom, and two witnesses.  In this Sacrament, the bride and groom are the ministers because they give the Sacrament of Matrimony to each other.  It is their mutual “I do” that makes them husband and wife.
To make arrangements for the sacrament of Marriage, please contact the parish office as soon as possible or at least six months in advance of a desired wedding date.


There are three forms of the sacrament of Holy Orders: the deaconate, priesthood and bishop.  Most times the sacrament of Holy Orders is celebrated at a diocesan Cathedral.

Catholic deacons and priests are ordained by a bishop by means of the sacrament called Holy Orders.  A deacon is one called to the vocation of service, and at times, assists at liturgy.  The priest is both the leader of the parish and the servant of the family of God gathered in a particular parish.  The pastor of a parish is a priest and administers the sacraments and proclaims the Word of God.  He also is responsible for the administration of the parish.

A bishop is ordained by the metropolitan bishop, or archbishop, of a geographical area.  A bishop is called to ordination by the Pope, the Holy Father of the Church.